Wenn ein Befehl nach einem Punkt fragt, können Sie das Zeigerwerkzeug (z. B. Maus oder Touchpad) verwenden, um den Punkt anzugeben oder seine Koordinaten einzugeben. Wenn die dynamische Eingabe eingeschaltet ist, können Sie Koordinatenwerte in ein Eingabefeld in der Nähe des Cursors eingeben.
Kartesische Koordinaten
Ein kartesisches Koordinatensystem hat drei Achsen: X, Y und Z. Wenn Sie Koordinatenwerte eingeben, geben Sie die Entfernung eines Punkts und seine Richtung (+ oder -) entlang der X-, Y- und Z-Achsen relativ zum Ursprung des Koordinatensystems (0,0,0) an.
In der 2D-Ansicht geben Sie Punkte auf der XY-Ebene an, die einem flachen Blatt Millimeterpapier ähnelt. Der X-Wert einer kartesischen Koordinate gibt die horizontale Entfernung an, und der Y-Wert gibt die vertikale Entfernung an. Der Ursprungspunkt (0,0) gibt an, wo sich die beiden Achsen schneiden.
Eine andere Methode zum Angeben eines Punkts besteht darin, den Cursor zu bewegen, um eine Richtung anzugeben, und dann eine Entfernung einzugeben. Diese Methode wird als direkte Entfernungseingabe bezeichnet.
Koordinaten und Entfernungen werden immer in Einheiten wie Millimeter, Meter oder Zoll gemessen. Im Bereich Einheiten und Winkel des Dialogfelds Optionen können Sie die Entfernung festlegen, die eine Einheit in der Zeichnung darstellt.
Cursor Input Box
When you are in input mode and need to specify a point, ARCHLine.XP displays the Cursor Input Box.
This transparent box helps you display and change the length, angle, or X and Y distance of a vector. Press TAB to edit a value.
The software will let you edit the first value of the box. When you press TAB again, you can jump to the following value.
When you edit a value and hit the Enter on your keyboard, the software will close the edit field, and fix the value typed. This way you can fix e.g. the inclination of a wall for example when drawing it.
Turn on or Turn off cursor input Box : Click on the Enable Cursor Input Box input button on the Options dialog to turn the Cursor Input Box on and off.
Display Type Settings: Set the information you want to view.
Distance and angle:
Distance, Angle and Relative Coordinates:
This can be set in the Status bar.
Snap grid is of great help when defining points. It locks the cursor into alignment with the grid points.
This can be set in the Status bar.
Object snaps
Object rasters provide an opportunity to determine the exact location of the input.
If you want the input to always use special point detection, you can turn on automatic detection. For example, you can set endpoint, midpoint, and midpoint as auto-recognized special points.
This can be set in the Options dialog - Snap and grid panel.
Specifying a Point Relative to an Existing Point
You can use the reference point method whenever the software asks for a point.
You can specify a point that is located a specified distance and direction from a reference point.
The next coordinate, value is calculated relative to the reference point.
Using the reference point, you can easily specify a wall that starts 3 m from the end point of an already drawn wall. Start the Create Wall command, then click the Reference Point button on the status bar and click on the end point of the wall.
Drag the cursor horizontally / vertically and enter the distance in the given direction (3 m). Press Enter. This will move the starting point of the new wall creation to the point at the specified distance from the reference point.
Unique special point input
In the status bar, click the Reference toolbar icon, then click the criterion you want to use when entering the next input point.
Reference toolbar can be set in the Status bar.
Endpoint | Defines the endpoint of the selected object. |
Midpoint | Defines the middle point of the selected object. |
Distance from endpoint | Defines a new point as a point on the selected object at a specified distance from the endpoint nearest to the selected point. |
Distance from intersection | Defines a new point as a point on the selected object at a specified distance from the nearest intersection point. |
Half division point | Divides the distance between two points into half. |
Centre point | Defines the centre of an object. |
Intersection point | Defines the nearest intersection point on the selected object. |
Apparent intersection point | This command is able to find the intersection point of two selected objects. |
Reference point | The selected point becomes the reference point. |
Nearest point | Defines the nearest point of the selected object. |
Parallel direction | The next input coordinate is in direction of the selected object or in the direction of the tangent of the selected object. |
Perpendicular direction | The direction of the next input coordinate is perpendicular to the selected object or to the tangent drawn in the selected point. |
Relative distance | The next point will be defined in X, Y distance. |
Relative polar distance | Defines the new point at a given angle with a given radius from the last point. |
Coordinate-, distance, locking direction:
Lock X coordinate | Locks the absolute / relative X coordinate of the new point. A line appears and the program recognizes only the points of this line. |
Lock Y coordinate | Locks the absolute / relative Y coordinate of the new point. A line appears and the program recognizes only the points of this line. |
Lock radius | Having locked the radius a circle appears, after this the cursor finds only the points of this circle. |
Lock direction | If you lock the value of the angle a line appears in the given direction. After this the cursor finds only the points of this line. |
Lock angle | Locks the actual editing direction graphically. After this the cursor finds only the points of this line. |
Reference direction perpendicular | The new point will be in the intersection of the locked direction and the perpendicular projection of the selected reference point. |
Reference direction horizontal | The new point will be in the intersection of the locked direction and the horizontal projection of the selected reference point. |
Reference direction vertical | The new point will be in the intersection of the locked direction and the vertical projection of the selected reference point. |
Orthogonal Locking (Ortho Mode)
You can restrict cursor movement with pressing SHIFT button down to horizontal and vertical directions for convenience and precision when creating and modifying objects.
Defining direction with arrows
You can define in which direction to create an object with the arrow keys of the keyboard.
In this case the arrow keys substitute the direction definition of the polar coordinate.
• Press any arrow button to define drawing direction.
• Specify the length of the object to be created.
The program creates the object of the specified length in the direction defined by the arrow.
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