You can add the following components to railing in the panels and bars dialog:
- Object
- Bar
- Frame
- Swept profile

Each item is listed in the table. The selected item in the list appears in the preview window. Click Redraw button to see the changes in the preview window.
Adding objects

• To add an object, click Add object button. In the top-left part of the dialog a new component appears in the list with parameters of index, type (free object), name, height, width and thickness.
• To modify the object, click ellipsis button in the name column. The Insert objects dialog comes up, where you can define the same height, width and thickness parameters what you can see in the list of individual components then.
• Use the buttons below the list of panels and bars to rotate (Rotate button) and mirror (Mirror X and Mirror Y buttons).
• You can specify placement criteria at the bottom left of the dialog box.
Offset from path (>0: right) | Horizontal offset relative to the path of railing. |
Elevation from path (0<: down) | Vertical distance between the bottom of the object and the path of railing. |
Adjust length to the available width | Stretches the object so that it fills the gap between balusters created by Newel post at the turn or Spacing between posts. For example when you place a retainer as an object and you apply this option to this retainer, the program stretches this object between balusters created by Newel post at the turn or Spacing between posts. |
Trim overhanging sides | When you specified an object that hangs over the space between balusters created by Newel post at the turn or Spacing between posts, the program cuts the overhanging parts automatically, avoiding the disturbing of the next baluster distribution period. |
Adjust height to the frame | This option is available when frame is defined as individual component in the Individual panels and bars dialog. In that case the height of object is aligned to the height of the vertical side of the frame, which modifies the Elevation from path parameter of the object, too. |
Placement options | You can define whether the object should be placed to the left, right or middle of the railing period. Depending on the choice of Left/Right/Middle there are other tuning possibilities: Distance from left (>0: inside), Distance from right (>0: inside), Offset from the middle point (>0: forward). |
Cut balusters by top profile | This option is available when you use the Top profile option in the Individual panels and bars dialog. With this option the top of the individual objects will be cut with the defined top profile. |
The figures follow the increase | When the path of railing is not horizontal, you can set the individual object either to stay horizontal or follow the slope along the path. |
Code | You can write any information here, for example the part number of the individual object. |
Adding bars

• To add a bar, click Add bar button. In the top-left part of the dialog a new component appears in the list with parameters of index, type (truss), name, width and thickness. The field for height remains empty.
• Click button in the name column to open the Insert objects dialog, where you can define the section profile of the bar you want to create. The width and height values you define here will appear as width and thickness in the in the list of individual components in the Individual panels and bars dialog.
• In the bottom-left part of the dialog you can specify the placement conditions.
Offset from path (>0: right) | Horizontal offset relative to the path of railing. |
Elevation from path (0<: down) | Vertical distance between the bottom of the object and the path of railing. |
Material | Material of the bar. |
Bar orientation | Horizontal, vertical, diagonal or tilted (with free angle of slope). In case of diagonal orientation you can select from left bottom -> right top or left top -> right bottom options. If there is a frame defined as individual component, you can use the Adjust to the frame option. |
Adjust length to the available width |
Depending from the bar orientation selection, you can use this option. In that case the bar extends to the railing period.
In case of Horizontal bar orientation you can set The figures follow the increase option for the case the path of railing is not horizontal.
Bar length | Custom bar length. In case of custom bar length definition you can set the position of the bar inside the railing period to the middle, right or left. Additional adjustment possibilities are the Offset from middle point (>0: forward), Distance from right (>0: inside) and the Distance from left (>0: inside) options. With the Multiple placement option multiple copies of bars can be created by different rules. You can define the direction and spacing for the multiplication. The direction of multiplication can be horizontal, vertical or perpendicular to the direction of rod. You can define the spacing between bars with the By step of bars and By clear spacing between bars options. In case of horizontal and vertical bar orientations there are only two options for the direction of multiplication. |
Code | You can write any information on the bar here, for example the part number of the bar. |
Adding frame

• To add a frame, click Add frame button. An element with frame appears in the list of individual components and then the Add frame button becomes inactive. Only one item can be created from this type of component.
• Click ellipsis button in the name column to open the Insert objects dialog, where you can define the section profile of the frame you want to create. The width and height values you define here will appear as width and thickness in the in the list of individual components in the Individual panels and bars dialog.
The following properties can be set:
Offset from path (>0: right): | Horizontal offset relative to the path of railing. |
Elevation from path (0<: down): | Vertical distance between the bottom of the frame and the path of railing. |
Material: | You can define the material of the frame. |
Frame height: | Distance between the bottom and top of the horizontally oriented frame. This parameter appears in the list of individual components in the height column. |
Gap on the left side: | At the beginning of the railing period this is the gap between the first railing component and the frame. |
Gap on the right side: | At the end of the railing period this is the gap between the frame and the last railing component. |
Code: | You can write any information on the frame here, for example the part number of the frame. |
Adding profile along path

With this function you can add individual ornamental elements to a balustrade.
• Click Add swept profile button. In the list of individual components appears a new component with the type of profile along path.
• Click ellipsis button in the name column to open the Insert objects dialog, where you can define the section profile of the component you want to create. The height value you define here will appear as thickness in the in the list of individual components.
The following properties can be set:
Offset from path (>0: right) | Horizontal offset relative to the path of balustrade. |
Elevation from path (0<: down) | Vertical distance between the bottom of the component and the path of balustrade. |
Material | Material of the component. |
Frontal profile | This profile defines the path on which the section profile specified in the name column of the individual component is swept along. |
Placement options: | You can select from a drop-down list whether the component should be placed to the left, right or middle part of the balustrade period. Depending on the Left/Right/Middle selection you can specify the Distance from left (>0: inside), Distance from right (>0: inside) or Offset from middle point (>0: forward) parameters. |
Angle | The frontal profile can be rotated on a vertical plane with this angle relative to the vertical direction. |
Cut bars | When the frontal profile of the component intersects with bar components, you can define if bar parts inside the frontal profile must be removed or not. The cutting operation is executed even if different offset from the balustrade path values are specified for the swept profile and the bar. |
Code | You can write any information on the individual component here, for example the part number of the ornament. |
Cut bars examples:

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