The typical interior design is usually a large project, several hundreds of Mb. may be the size. During the work, the following problems may occur, preventing the solution of the plan.
- Does your computer meet the recommended system requirements?
Does your computer meet the recommended system requirements?
The recommended configuration is suitable for preparing a large-scale exam paper. A computer that meets the minimum requirements is for creating example projects during the course, but not for exam work or large projects.
Low memory (RAM e.g. 4 GB) can lead to the "Out of memory" crash.
In this case, the program displays the following message: "The system does not meet the minimum memory requirements required to run the application. Low memory can result in unpredictable behavior.”
- Is there enough space on the C: drive?
If there is not enough space on C:, there may be a problem with the operation of Windows. In practice, Windows needs at least 10 Gb of free space. The recommended size of the C: drive is at least 100 Gb.
If there is not enough space on the drive, saving the project may be interrupted. In such cases, the computer must be cleaned, e.g. Empty Recycle Bin.
More: Free up drive space in Windows
- Is the ARCHLine.XP project save folder on OneDrive?
Az ARCHLine.XP nem tud 100 %-os biztonsággal projektet menteni, ha a fájl olyan mappában található, amely OneDrive fájltároló szolgáltatással szinkronizálódik. Ezért kimondottan nem ajánlott. A projekt mentése megszakadhat. - ARCHLine.XP cannot save a project with 100% security if the file is in a folder that is synchronized with the OneDrive file storage service. Therefore, it is expressly not recommended. Saving the project may be interrupted.
More : OneDrive issues
During the preparation of the project, the following must be checked regularly:
- Is there a distant element on the floor plan, in the 3D view, or is the perspective object far away, or is the model far from the origin?
Elements located at long distances (several km) cause calculation inaccuracies and errors may occur during work. The program warns about remote elements.
More: Issues with model being far from origin - Does the number of surfaces in the model exceed 2,000,000?
The program warns you about this. Models with a large number of surfaces slow down work depending on the performance of the machine. When importing objects with more than 50,000 surface numbers, the program sends a warning. A list of elements with a large surface area in the project can be requested. The use of foils is recommended.
We recommend the ARCHLine.XP LIVE program for displaying decorative elements with a large number of surfaces.
More: Issues with model being far from origin - Is there an object in the plan that contains more than 50 materials??
A list of these can be requested, it is recommended to delete them. Such objects are mainly made for game programs, where each surface piece has its own texture. When downloading such objects, the program sends a warning, because errors may occur in the operation of CAD/BIM programs during their use. - Does the number of unused materials in the project exceed several hundreds?
Then it is worth cleaning the project, because in most cases the materials of previously downloaded, but no longer used, redundant objects accumulate. Due to the high number of materials occupying a large amount of memory (over 1000), an error may occur during work. The program sends a warning about the high number of materials. - Did the ARCHLine.XP program send a warning from the aforementioned?
It must be taken seriously and the cause must be eliminated!
We hope these tips make it easier to prepare the exam project.
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