- General settings
- - User interface
- - Snapshots & animations
- - Weather
- - Textures
- - Object optimization
- - Navigation
- - Sound
- - LIVESync: real lights
- - Default working folder
- Backup & Save
- - Autorecover
- - Backup archive
- - Restore all warnings
- Shortcuts
- Quality
You can access settings in the options menu. By switching between the 4 tabs (General Settings, Backup & Save, Shortcuts, Quality), you can change various settings.
General settings
User interface
The default language of the program can be set here. The available languages are Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Greek.
The FPS counter displays the number of frames displayed per second in LIVE. The higher the number, the smoother and less jittery the image is on the screen. The counter is displayed in the top right corner of the screen when on.
Snapshots & animations
The quality of exported images and videos can be adjusted here. The available options are: window size, 1280x720 (HD 16:9), 1600x900, 1920x1080 (Full HD 16:9), 2048x1152 (16:9), 2560x1440 (2K 16:9), 3840x2160 (4K 16:9). The higher you set the value, the larger the file size of the exported images and videos will be.
The Show trigger radius spheres switch enables or disables the visual representation of the distance set for the interactive animations in the model when the Play & edit animations dialog is active. This helps to set the right values to coordinate the interactive animations.
In LIVE, you can also set winter landscapes. With the weather overlay, you can set whether or not the areas overlaid by objects are covered with snow/water. By turning on continuous updating, the program automatically recalculates the areas that do not need to be covered with snow/water by moving the objects.
By setting the maximum size of textures, you can prevent the program from importing materials that are too large, thus slowing down LIVE considerably.
Object optimization
Maximising the size of objects can prevent you from placing oversized objects in your project when importing them which would significantly slow down LIVE.
The walk speed lets you choose how fast you move around in the project using the keyboard keys (W, A, S, D). The run speed sets the movement speed when pressing the SHIFT key while using the W, A, S, D keys. The zoom speed adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse scroll wheel zoom. Adjust the unit of measurement to change the unit of measurement of the numeric dimensions that can be entered in the program.
You can adjust the sound of the placed videos one by one within the project, and with this master control you can adjust the volume uniformly for the whole project. When exporting animations, LIVE does not export sound.
LIVESync: real lights
When switched on, the light sources added to the project in ARCHLine.XP will be imported as real lights. The default setting is off because using real lights is resource intensive.
Default working folder
When you open a project, LIVE automatically creates a folder with the project name in the default working folder you set. From here, you can access the render images and videos you have created as well as the files for other projects.
Backup & Save
The autorecover function is designed to restore the project to its current state in the event of an unexpected shutdown, with as little loss as possible. If you restart ARCHLine.XP LIVE after an unexpected system shutdown, the project will be automatically loaded with the latest changes. You can save the automatically restored project by overwriting the original project file or by creating a new file. If this feature is disabled, LIVE will not create auto-recovery files, so you cannot reload the project to its last state after an unexpected shutdown by restarting the program. With the save frequency, you can set the number of steps from 0 to 30 at which LIVE creates recovery files. The default setting is 20 steps. For larger projects, it is advisable to increase the number of steps in Save frequency slightly, as it can be disrupting if the program saves a large project every five steps, which can take several seconds.
Important: automatic recovery is not a substitute for actually saving the project. The contents of the Autorecover folder are deleted in case of a normal shutdown. If you choose "Quit without saving" when the program is shut down and rely only on the "Autorecover" function, you will lose any changes to the project that have been made since the last save.
Backup archive
In ARCHLine.XP LIVE, the Backup archive is a tool that allows you to restore a project to an older state. It is important to know that Backup Archive is not a substitute for backup. It is intended to be used to retrieve a project state from which work can be resumed, e.g. due to accidental deletion of the last project state, or if for some other reason it is necessary to restore to a previous state. During a day's work, a total of three files with the extension .allive are stored in the Archive folder, automatically created with the date of that day.
Since archived files can take up a significant amount of space on your hard drive, the archive retention period can be set, by default it is set to 4 weeks. After this period, older archived backups are deleted by default. The automatic deletion function can be disabled, in which case it is up to the user to decide how long to keep older project backups. Deleted archive files will always be saved to the computer's repository. It is also advisable to empty the repository from time to time. It is also possible to delete the entire archive, in which case all files in the Archive folder will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
Restore all warnings
Certain warnings can be hidden by the user and will no longer appear when using the program. If you still wish to see them, you can click this button to reactivate all warnings.
All the keyboard shortcuts available within the program are listed here. These fields are not editable, you cannot enter custom combinations for commands.
Use the buttons at the top to automatically set consistent quality values across the program. You can also set individual values for each element. Changing these settings will not affect the quality of the exported files. When you turn on the Apply quality settings immediately feature, you do not need to click on the Apply button to see the changes, the program will automatically show them in the background.
Ray Tracing: high-quality, natural-looking results with subtle shadows and accurate rendering thanks to the new Ray Tracing feature. This feature is only available with NVIDIA RTX and AMD RADEON compatible graphics cards, for compatibility information please visit the manufacturer's website. You can activate shadows and skylight separately based on what result you want to achieve.
Lumen: by turning on the lumen function, scenes are more vividly lit and reflections are more accurate. These make shadows appear more realistic in rendered images and videos.
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