The Color Scheme is a graphical override method that serves to display group of elements or rooms based on any of their properties and present the contents of your project in an understandable way.
A Color Scheme is based on an element type and its property and assigned value.
The color schemes according to the properties are templates that can be saved, so by changing the templates, the model can be presented according to different aspects.
Color schemes help you understand the content of the project.
An obvious use is the comprehensible representation of rooms with color schemes.
In addition to the room, other elements of the building can also be displayed, so that customers can easily understand the complexity within the building.
ARCHLine.XP recolor the selected elements by property, operation and value.
Example: Show all slabs sorted by thickness equal to 200mm, 400mm, 500mm, as example displays below.
Location: Annotate- Legends - Color Schemes
The import from floor plan button scans the entire database and lists all the slabs according to different thickness values and shows them in different colors.
Color schemes legend.
You can place the color - value listing on the floor plan.
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