It creates a fillet arc with the actual or with the given radius between the two selected objects. If the objects don't have an intersection point first they will be extended. If you don't use the switch 'TRIM' the sections between the endpoints of the arc and the intersection point will be deleted, in the other case they won't.
rad (real): the radius of the fillet arc
dia (real): the diameter of the fillet arc
obj1, obj2 (obj): the objects to fillet
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 10 10 5 15 10 20 10; #ROUNDING RADIUS 2 10 8 8 10;
-It creates a line from (10,5) to (10,8) and another between (12,10) and (20,10) and an arc connecting their closer endpoints.
It creates a fillet arc between the selected object and the object which has the nearest intersection point. The arc's radius will be the actual or the given. If you don't use the switch 'TRIM' the sections between the endpoints of the arc and the intersection point will be deleted, in the other case they won't.
rad (real): the radius of the fillet arc
dia (real): the diameter of the fillet arc
prim (obj): the object to fillet
e.g.:#LINE 10 10 10 0 20 0;; #ROUNDING RADIUS 2 ANGLESECTION 10 8;
-It creates a line from (10,10) to (10,2) and another between (12,0) and (20,0) and an arc connecting their closer endpoints.
CHAMFER ang dist { [TRIM] <prim1 prim2> ENTER | PART <prim1 prim2 prim> ENTER} ENTER
It creates a bevel between the two selected objects with the given angle and distance from the intersection point. If the selected objects don't have an intersection point first they will be extended. By using the options 'TRIM' and 'PART' you can choose which sections connecting the intersection point and the endpoints of the bevel will be deleted. If you use none of them both sections will be deleted, while using 'TRIM' makes both remain. When you use 'PART' you have to choose the object you want to be trimmed.
ang (real): the angle of the bevel
dist (real): the distance between the intersection point and the endpoint of the bevel
prim1,prim2 (obj): the objects to be beveled
prim(obj): the object to be trimmed
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 10 10 5 15 0 20 0; #CHAMFER 45 2 10 5 15 0;;
-It creates three lines. Their endpoints will be (10,10), (10,2) and (10,2), (12,0) and (12,0), (20,0).
CHAMFER ang ANGLESECTION dist { [TRIM] <prim> ENTER | PART <prim tr_prim> ENTER} ENTER
It creates a bevel between the selected object and the object with the nearest intersection. The angle and the distance of the bevel is defined by the parameters 'ang' and 'dist'. By using the options 'TRIM' and 'PART' you can choose which sections connecting the intersection point and the endpoints of the bevel will be deleted. If you use none of them both sections will be deleted, while using 'TRIM' makes both remain. When you use 'PART' you have to choose the object you want to be trimmed.
ang (real): the angle of the bevel
dist (real): the distance between the intersection point and the endpoint of the bevel
prim (obj): the object to be beveled
tr_prim(obj): the object to be trimmed
e.g.: #LINE 10 10 10 0 20 0;; #CHAMFER 45 ANGLESECTION 2 10 5;;
-It creates three lines. Their endpoints will be (10,10), (10,2) and (10,2), (12,0) and (12,0), (20,0).
OFFSET dist <<prim> ENTER offset> ENTER
It creates a parallel copy of the selected closed chain in the specified distance. The original chain can be selected by pointing sequentially on its elements. The sign of the parameter 'offset' determines whether the new chain will be inside (negative) or outside (positive).
dist (real): an arbitrary number
prim (obj): the elements of the original chain
offset (real): the new chain's distance from the original
e.g.: #LINE 10 0 20 0 20 15 10 15 10 0;; #OFFSET 0 11 0 20 1 11 15 10 1; 5;
-It creates a new rectangle with the vertices: (5,-5), (25,-5), (25,20) and (5,25).
OFFSET CHAIN dist <chain offset> ENTER
It creates a parallel copy of the selected closed chain in the specified distance. The original chain can be selected by one element of it. The sign of the parameter 'offset' determines whether the new chain will be inside (negative) or outside (positive).
dist (real): an arbitrary number
chain (obj): the original chain
offset (real): the distance between the original and the new chain
e.g.: #LINE 10 0 20 0 20 15 10 15 10 0;; #OFFSET CHAIN 0 11 0 5;
-It creates a new rectangle with the vertices: (5,-5), (25,-5), (25,20) and (5,25).
OFFSET INTCHAIN dist <chain offset> ENTER
It creates a parallel copy of the selected closed chain in the specified distance. The original chain can be selected by one element of it. If there is an internal chain it also will be copied. The sign of the parameter 'offset' determines whether the new chain will be inside (negative) or outside (positive). The internal chains copy will be placed on the opposite side.
dist (real): an arbitrary number
chain (obj): the original chain
offset (real): the distance between the original and the new chain
e.g.: #LINE 10 0 20 0 20 15 10 15 10 0;; CIRCLE RADIUS 1 15 10; #OFFSET INTCHAIN 0 11 0 -1;
-It creates a new rectangle with the vertices: (11,1), (19,1), (19,14) and (11,14) and a circle with the center (15,10) and the radius of 2.
OFFSET OPENCHAIN {ONEBYONE dist <<prim> ENTER offset> ENTER | dist <chain offset> ENTER}
It creates a parallel copy of the selected opened or closed chain in the specified distance. The original chain can be selected by one element of it or (by using the option 'ONEBYONE') by selecting all of the desired elements. The sign of the parameter 'offset' determines whether the new chain will be inside (negative) or outside (positive).
dist (real): an arbitrary number
prim (obj): the elements of the original chain
chain (obj): the original chain
offset (real): the new chain's distance from the original
e.g.: #LINE 10 0 20 0 20 15 10 15 10 0;; #OFFSET OPENCHAIN ONEBYONE 0 11 0 20 1; -1;
-It creates a right angular line starting from (10,1) going through (19,1) and ending at (19,15).
SPOFFSET dist <<prim> ENTER offset > ENTER
It offsets the selected closed chain with the specified distance. The lines won't be extended to have an intersection point, instead they keep the original length and their endpoints will be connected with an arc. The original chain can be selected by pointing sequentially on its elements.
dist (real): an arbitrary number
prim (obj): the elements of the original chain
offset (real): the new chain's distance from the original
SPOFFSET CHAIN dist <chain offset> ENTER
It offsets the selected closed chain with the specified distance. The lines won't be extended to have an intersection point, instead they keep the original length and their endpoints will be connected with an arc. The original chain can be selected by selecting one of its elements.
dist (real): an arbitrary number
chain (obj): the original chain
offset (real): the new chain's distance from the original
SPOFFSET INTCHAIN dist <chain offset> ENTER
It offsets the selected closed chain and its internal chain with the specified distance. The chain can be selected by one of its elements. The sign of the parameter 'offset' determines whether the new chain will be inside (negative) or outside (positive). The internal chains copy will be placed on the opposite side. Where the new chain is outside of its origin the lines won't be extended to have an intersection point, instead they keep the original length and their endpoints will be connected with an arc.
dist (real): an arbitrary number
chain (obj): the original chain
offset (real): the new chain's distance from the original
SPOFFSET OPENCHAIN {ONEBYONE dist <<prim> ENTER offset> ENTER | dist <chain offset> ENTER}
It offsets the selected opened or closed chain with the specified distance. The lines won't be extended to have an intersection point, instead they keep the original length and their endpoints will be connected with an arc. The original chain can be selected by pointing sequentially on its elements.
dist (real): an arbitrary number
prim (obj): the elements of the original chain
chain (obj): the original chain
offset (real): the new chain's distance from the original
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