With these commands you can define hatches. Although they are created inside an object (polygon, circle, chain etc.) they are not in relationship with its boundary so you can move or erase it without modifying the hatch. (Not like by dimensions.) Hatches created by one command are logically coherent.
All the examples of these commands assume the following commands typed before:
#LINE 10 0 20 0 20 10 10 10 10 0;; #CIRCLE CPOINT 17 3 19 3; #RECTANGLE HV 15 5 11 9; #LINE 12 3 12 8 14 8 12 3;;
BHATCH <<<prim1> ENTER [<prim2> ENTER]> ENTER> ENTER
It creates the hatch inside the chains of the given objects. You can select boundaries object by object. The objects have to follow each other in order (clockwise or counterclockwise). (A closed polyline can be selected with points of every section, a polygon or circle with one point on the circumference.) The objects grouped by the keyword ENTER have to create a closed chain (one and only one). If you select a chain and another inside it, the common area won’t be hatched.
prim1 (obj): objects of a chain
prim2 (obj): objects of an inner chain
e.g.: #BHATCH 15 0 20 5 15 10 10 5; 19 3; 15 8; 12 7 13 8 12.5 3.5;;;
-The following areas will be hatched: the common part of the small rectangle and the triangle and the area of the big rectangle without the inner area of any other object
It creates a hatch inside the selected object. The object can be selected by a nearby point or by using the option ‘INRECT’ with a point inside of its area. The object can be a polygon, circle, ellipse or a closed chain made up by lines, arcs and splines. If you select a chain and another inside it, the common area won’t be hatched. If you do it more level deep the areas will be hatched alternately.
prim (obj): an object to fill with the hatch
coord (point): a point inside the area of the hatch
e.g: #BHATCH CHAIN INRECT 11 1 13 7;;
-It will hatch the whole area of the big rectangle except the common part of the triangle and the small rectangle.
It creates a hatch inside the selected object. The object can be selected by a nearby point or by using the option ‘INRECT’ with a point inside of its area. The object can be a polygon, circle, ellipse or a closed chain made up by lines, arcs and splines. The program will automatically look up every inner chain in one level deep and the inner areas of them won’t be hatched.
prim (obj): an object to fill with the hatch
coord (point): a point inside the area of the hatch
e.g.: #BHATCH INTCHAIN INRECT 11 1 13 7;;
-The following areas will be hatched: the common part of the small rectangle and the triangle and the area of the big rectangle without the inner area of any other object
With these command you can switch the holing of hatches below texts. If it is on (default) the text will be displayed on a rectangle without hatching.
This command sets the actual value of the origin of the hatches. The keyword 'RECALL' is used for setting the last used value (in this context).
coord (point): the new origin of hatches.
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