With these commands you can create and modify stairs.
STAIR PARALLEL DISTANCE {<prim1> | OPENCHAIN coord1} ENTER {<prim2> | OPENCHAIN coord2} ENTER <endp1 endp2 endp3 endp4> num height YES
This command lets you create a stair by the left and right side of the staircase. The lines defining the two sides have to be created previously. First you have to select the right and then the left side. You can do it by selecting sequentially all parts of the chain or by using the option 'OPENCHAIN' and selecting the endpoint of the opened chain. The second step is defining the rests by selecting the two endpoints of the stair sections on each side. The first section has to start at the start point of the chain and the last section has to end at the end of the chain. The last to do is defining the number and the height of the steps.
prim1 (obj): element of the chain which will be the right side of the staircase
coord1 (point): the endpoint (or a nearby point) of the chain which will be the right side of the staircase
prim2 (obj): element of the chain which will be the left side of the staircase
coord2 (point): the endpoint (or a nearby point) of the chain which will be the left side of the staircase
emdp1, endp2 (point): endpoints of a stair section on the right side
emdp3, endp4 (point): endpoints of a stair section on the left side
num (int): the number of the steps
height (real): the height of one step
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 0 10 6 11 0 11 6; #stair parallel distance openchain 11 1; openchain 10 1; 11 0 11 6 10 0 10 6 20 0.15 YES
-It creates a straight stair with 20 steps and the total height of 3m.
STAIR PROFILE $profile_def$ height <$profile_def$> ENTER ENTER
It creates the stair by defining the profile of all steps individually. The first step can be created with each option of profile creating, but the other steps have to use the option. For example if you created the first step with the CIRCLE subcommand the other steps have to be circles, too.
$profile_def$: definition of a profile. For the details see the chapter: Definition
height (real): the height of the steps
e.g.: #STAIR PROFILE RECTANGLE HV 0 0 10 5 0.15 HV 0.5 5 9.5 0.5 HV 1 5 9 1 HV 1.5 5 8.5 1.5 HV 2 5 8 2;;
-It creates a stair from 0.15 high rectangular steps.
STAIR ADDNODE line coord
This command modifies the outfit of the selected step by adding a new node to the selected part of it.
line (obj): the new node will be inserted between the endpoints of this side of the step
coord (point): the location of the new node
This command moves the selected node of a step to the desired location.
node (obj): the node to be moved
coord (point): the new place of the node
This command deletes the selected node from a steps contour.
node (obj): the node to be deleted
STAIR CPOINT <line {coord|{RADIUS rad|DIAMETER dia| PERIMETER per|ARC height} sel_point}}> ENTER
This command turns the selected line – which is part of a steps contour – into a circular arc. The arc can be defined with a point of it or by entering the radius/diameter/length of the perimeter/height of it.
line (obj): the line to be changed
coord (point): a point on the arc's circumference
rad (real): the radius of the arc
dia (real): the diameter of the arc
per (real): the perimeter of the arc
height (real): the height of the arc
sel_point (point): from the two possible arcs the one will be selected which has the nearest point to this parameter
It turns the selected arc – which is part of a steps contour – into a straight line.
arc (obj): the arc to be changed
STAIR DEFAULT <{step {ON | OFF} | VALUE num stair {ON | OFF} }> ENTER
It turns a step into a rest and vica versa. You can select the step directly or by selecting the stair and defining the number of the step. The switch 'ON' creates a rest and the switch 'OFF' creates a step.
step (obj): the step/rest to be modified
num(int): the number of the step/rest which is modified
stair (obj): the stair of which steps are modified
This command lets you define the elevation of the selected stair's base line.
stair (obj): the stair to modify its elevation
elev (real): the elevation of the stair's base line
It creates a ramp from the selected stair.
stair (obj): the stair to be modified
It creates a hole on the slab above the selected stair. Only the first slab will be perforated.
stair (obj): the stair above which the slab will be holed
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