These methods are used for entering the next input point.
xcoord ycoord
You can enter the point by entering the x and the y coordinate of it in a Carthesian coordinate system.
DX / @
{DX | @} xoffset yoffset
It defines the point with relative coordinates from the last entered point.
xoffset (real): the relative x coordinate of the point
yoffset (real): the relative y coordinate of the point
e.g.: #POINT 10 0; #POINT DX 5 0;
-The second point will be created at (15,0).
POLAR length ang
This command lets you enter the location of the point in polar coordinates.
length (real): the radial coordinate of the point
ang (real): the angular coordinate of the point
e.g.: #POINT POLAR 7.071 45;
-It locates the point at (5,5).
POLAROFFSET lengthoff ang
It defines the point with polar coordinates. The radial coordinate will be measured from the point entered last.
lengthoff (real): the distance of the point from the last point
ang(real): the angular coordinate of the point
It locates the point on the selected object (or its extension) in the specified distance measured from the endpoint of it. If the sign of the parameter 'dist' is positive, the point will be located on the side of the endpoint on which the selector point is. If the sign is negative the point will be located on the opposite side.
dist (real): the distance from the endpoint
prim (obj): the object to locate the point on it
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 0 20 0; #POINT ENDDISTANCE -5 18 0;
-It creates a point at (25,0).
MDISTANCE dist prim
It locates the point on the selected object (or its extension) in the specified distance from its middle point. If the sign of the parameter 'dist' is positive, the point will be located on the side of the middle point on which the selector point is. If the sign is negative the point will be located on the opposite side.
dist (real): the distance from the middle point
prim (obj): the object to locate the point on it
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 0 20 0; #POINT MDISTANCE -5 18 0;
-It creates a point at (10,0).
First the command looks for the nearest intersection point of the object, than locates the point in the specified distance from it on the line of the object (or its extension). If the sign of the parameter 'length' is negative the point will be located on the other side of the intersection point, in the other case the point will be located on the side of the intersection point on which the selector point is.
length (real): the distance from the intersection point
prim (obj): the object on which the point will be located
e.g.: #LINE 5 0 15 0;; #CIRCLE RADIUS 5 10 0; #POINT INTERDISTANCE 5 10 -5;
-It creates a point at (12.702, 4.207).
ENDDIVIDED perc prim
This command is used for entering the coordinates of a point as it was a divide point of an object. The parameter 'perc' determines how many percentage of the objects length the returned point's distance will be from the objects endpoint. (located on the object or on its extension) If the sign of 'perc' is negative the distance will be measured on the other side of the endpoint.
perc (real): the length between the new point and the endpoint is that percentage of the total length of the object
prim(obj): an object the point will be located
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 0 20 0; #POINT ENDDIVIDED -0.6 19 0;
-It locates a point at (26,0).
MIDPOINT perc point1 point2
This command lets you enter the coordinates of a point as it was a divide point between two others. The distance from the first will be the 'perc' percentage of the total distance between the two points. The returned point is always located on the line defined by the two points. If the sign of the parameter 'perc' is negative the returned point will be on the opposite side of the first point as the second.
perc (real): how many percentage the distance between the returned point and the first of the distance between the two points.
point1, point2 (point): the two points
e.g.: #POINT MIDPOINT 0.2 10 0 20 0;
-It creates a point at (12,0).
This command gives back the center point of the selected object.
prim (obj): an object to give back its center
e.g.: #CIRCLE RADIUS 2 10 0; #POINT CENTER 8 0;
-It creates a point at the center of the circle.
The command gives back the middle point of the selected object.
prim (obj): an object to give back its middle point
e.g.: #LINE SINGLE 10 0 20 10; #POINT MIDDLE 10 0;
-It creates a point at (15,5).
NOTE: Center and middle points are usually different. The middle point is always located on the circumference of the object.
It gives back the coordinates of the last entered point.
It gives the coordinates of the origin of the drawing.
Length Definitions
These fragments can be used in the commands where a length or distance should be entered. (The type of these parameters is always real.)
It gives back the selected objects perimeter. The perimeters of the objects are the following:
point: zero
line: length
polyline: total length
circle, ellipse: perimeter
arc: length
spline: total length
prim(obj): the object of which perimeter is used
It gives back the most characteristic size of the selected object. These are the following:
point: zero
line: length
polyline: length of the selected section
circle: radius
circular arc: radius
ellipse: half major axis
elliptic arc: half major axis
spline: length of the selected section
prim (obj): the object of which size is used
GET_DISTANCE point1 point2
It gives back the distance between the two points as a length.
point1, point2 (point): the points the distance is measured between
e.g.: POINT 10 0 DX 0 GET_LENGTH 0 0 4 3;
-It creates a point at (10,0) and the other at (10,5)
SUMMA <length> ENTER
It gives back the sum of the given lengths as a length
length (real): a length to be involved in the summa
XCOORD point
This command gives back the x coordinate of the given point as a length. If its sign is negative then the length will be negative, too. What it will cause is depending on that command in it's used.
point (point): the point of which coordinate is used
YCOORD point
This command gives back the y coordinate of the given point as a length. If its sign is negative then the length will be negative, too. What it will cause is depending on that command in it's used.
point (point): the point of which coordinate is used
Angle Definitions
These fragments can be used in the commands where an angle should be entered. (The type of these parameters is always real.)
This command returns the angle of the selected object's tangent in the selecting point.
prim (obj): the object of which angle is returned
This command returns the perpendicular angle to the selected object's angle in the selecting point. (It measures the angle in the selecting point and then adds 90 degrees to it.)
prim (obj): the object with the start-up angle
First the command measures the angle of the object then adds 'rot' to it.
rot (real): the angle to add to the starting angle
prim (obj): the object of which angle the start-up will be
GRAPHIC vertex point1 point2
It determines the angle with three points. The vertex will be the parameter 'vertex' and the two other points are located on the rays. The order is important because the program always measures the angles counterclockwise.
vertex (point): the vertex of the angle
point1, point2 (point): points of the first and second ray
e.g.: GRAPHIC 0 0 2 0 3 3
-The returned angle will be 45°
It returns the given angle multiplied with the given number.
mul (real): the multiplier
ang (real): the multiplicand angle
ANGLESECTION prim1 prim2
This command returns the angle between the two selected objects at their nearest intersection point. (or at the nearest intersection of their extensions)
prim1, prim2 (obj): the objects the angle will be measured between
It returns the angle between the selected object and the intersecting object at the nearest intersection point.
prim (obj): the object of which intersection point is looked for.
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