- Quick 3D model
- Build 3D model
- Create cut-away 3D view
- Space volume computation
- LOG settings
- Clear filters
There are several functions available to update the 3D model, which can display it in different ways and with different levels of detail.
Command location: View > 3D model
Quick 3D model
With this command you can rebuild all 3D content in your project with a single click. It is based on the Build 3D model settings, so you don't need to configure the properties separately.
Build 3D model
Clicking on this command will bring up the Build 3D model dialog, where you can specify the 3D model representation broken down into buildings, levels and element types. In case of multiple 3D views, you can specify which model(s) should be updated.
- Views: here you can select which of the 3D views in the project should be updated.
- Level of Geometry: here you can select the level of detail to be displayed in the updated 3D model. In the other column, click on the pencil icon to set additional display options. For example, you can set the detail of the roof tiles or the opening direction of the doors and windows, but you can also set the skeletonisation of the walls for technical drawings.
- Selecting floor plans by storeys for 3D model construction: here you can choose which levels to display in the 3D model.
- Element types: here you can select which element types should appear in the 3D model (e.g. walls, doors, slabs, objects, etc.).
Create cut-away 3D view
You can select an area on the floor plan, which is then displayed in the 3D model. This feature makes it easy to show narrow, small building areas. It is possible to display a cut-out of a specific floor or of all floors.
Command location: View - 3D model - Create cut-away 3D view
1. Draw a rectangle on the floor plan. Archline.XP will create a new 3D view and generates a part of the 3D model that is inside the rectangle.
2. Edit cut-away 3D rectangle: Click on the rectangle and you can move nodes, or make an offset.
3. Regenerate cut-away 3D view: Click on the rectangle and then click on one of the two icons that appear to regenerate just the active floor or the entire building.
Space volume computation
Based on the properties set for the placed room and area tags, the program automatically generates a volume model of the rooms, which can be used for further calculations.
LOG settings
For each view, you can specify the display settings for the items listed in the dialog, so you can create different detail settings and switch between them with a single click. These settings are automatically applied by the Build 3D model function.
Clear filters
The filters set in the project can be reset one by one or all at once.
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