Enhancing its compatibility, ARCHLine.XP 2024 supports the import of ReCap file formats such as RCS and RCP. The big advantage of RCS and RCP is that files open almost instantly. This format enables users to incorporate highly detailed and accurate representations of real-world environments into their designs.
Command location: Building > Point cloud > Import
Importing Point cloud files
Importing even the biggest RCS point cloud files takes ARCHLine.XP to process in seconds. With the latest technology available importing and managing RCS point cloud files became fast and responsive.
- Select the point cloud file on your computer.
- Check the preview for the right measurements.
- ARCHLine.XP automatically places it in the right spot.
Point cloud filters
With filters you can display only the relevant parts of the point cloud. Save as many filters as you like and switch between them easily. This simple tool makes the workflow extremely fast and simple. You can select from three filter types: horizontal plane, vertical X and vertical Y.
- Select the filter you'd like to use on the point cloud.
- Set the right place for the filter.
- Add a name to the filter and set its thickness.
- You can switch between the saved filters in the Filter regions dialog. There is an option to display all filters at once or you can select which ones you want to display.
- You can deactivate all filters with one touch of a button with the Point cloud > Enable filters On - Off command.
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