If the ARCHline.XP application is not included in the list of applications allowed by the Windows Firewall, here is what to do:
First, go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Defender Firewall -> Allow apps to communicate through Windows Defender Firewall, then click on the Change Settings button to activate the Allowed Applications and Services window.
Next, click on the Enable another application button and use the Browse button to locate the installed version of ARCHLine.XP on your computer's hard drive ( for example: c:\Program Files\ARCHline.XP 2024\ARCHlineXP2024.exe), select it and click on the Open button.
In the Path: you can find the application you just loaded, click on the Add button . The application will now appear in the Enabled Applications and Services window, tick the boxes in the Private and Public columns and click OK.
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