With the intelligent floor plan generator command in ARCHLine.XP 2025, you can now create the floor plan of the entire building. The function only requires the building outline to be drawn and the entrance door to be positioned, the rest is drawn by the program. When the function is started, a pop-up dialog allows you to set the quantity and approximate size of the rooms to be included in the building, and then clicking OK will automatically create the floor plan and the corresponding 3D model, including doors.
Location: Blueprint > Floor plan generator
When the floor plan is created you have the option to accept the result or regenerate it. If you accept the floor plan, you only have to fix the small mistakes in it and finalize it. If the generated floor plan is not to your liking, you can regenerate it. Click on the Blueprint > Regenerate floor plan command to create a new floor plan in the same perimeter.
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