In order to use ARCHLine.XP commercial or Non-Profit license, you need an activated licence.
Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services. If you do not have Internet connection please read Offline / Manual Activation.
Acceptance of license agreement required to activate and use this product.
There are two ways to activate, depending on your network situation.
Online Activation
The fastest way to activate your license is online. Attention, ARCHLine.XP 2022 allows allows two types of activation:
1. To activate your licence with your username and password.
If you know your account choose the first column and sign in with your username and password.
Attention, currently you can use this service if you have one license registered on your account. If more than one license is registered for the specified login, you will not be able to use your credentials. To solve this issue, choose the second option and enter your serial number.
2. To activate your licence with serial number.
To do this, follow the steps below:
- Open ARCHLine.XP
- You have to know your 16-character serial number. Choose the second option.
- Enter or paste your 16 digits ARCHLine.XP serial number.
- Click Ok button to start online activation. When your license activates successfully, ARCHLine.XP displays “The software has been activated, please restart the software” message.
- Restart ARCHLine.XP.
Offline / Manual Activation
If you are in a secure network environment, or receive an error whilst activating, it may be due to a connectivity problem. Please try manually activating, following the steps outlined here.
- Open ARCHLine.XP
- You have to know your 16-character serial number. Choose the second option.
- Enter or paste your 16 digits ARCHLine.XP serial number.
- Select in the combobox this line: I have no Internet connection, therefore I send an email with license activation request.
- Select your country or region.
- Press the button Save license request file and save the file with .allicreq extension.
- Send an e-mail to the displayed email address with the subject: License activation request.
Remember to attach the saved license identification file (file has .allicreq extension) to the email.
When you have received the email in the attachment the activation file with an .allic extension.
- Download the file with an .allic extension.
- Go to Help - Add License dialog again.
- Enter or paste your 16 digits ARCHLine.XP serial number.
- Select in the combobox this line: I activate the license using the license file I received by email.
- Click Next button to choose the license request file that you received by email attachment with an .allic extension.
When your license activates successfully, ARCHLine.XP displays “The software has been activated, please restart the software” message. - Restart ARCHLine.XP.
If this does not work for you, please send the details along with screenshots of any errors received to Customer Service using the same email address.
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