The DC (Design Centre) is a very effective tool and integrates functions in a very compact manner. DC helps finding the items quickly with search function even in a large database.
Select an item
Clicking a category name brings up the subcategories of that category. Click on the subcategories to display the items.
Place with Drag and drop
Hover the mouse cursor over the item to be placed. Press down the mouse button then move the mouse with the left button down onto the drawing area and release the mouse button up. Follow ARCHLine.XP cursor during the placement.
Home button
Press the Home button to return to the default window.
Search bar
To search, just type a term in the Search box, wait a second or click on the zoom icon on the right. ARCHLine.XP will take you to the search results page.The search results are displayed in a list. You can click a header line to activate the corresponding list. The header displays the number of hits in bracket (e.g. Materials (44)) in each category if the hits are greater than 3. To display all the hits in a category click on the header.
Path bar
The path bar appears beside the home button and displays your current location separated by arrows. Click on any of them to go back to that location.
The back button takes you back to the preceding view.
My Favourites
You can store the frequently used items here.
Recent Items
The program saves the recently used items here.
Context sensitive commands
Click on the black gear icon to display the Context sensitive commands. The main features: Multi Selection mode, New object, Categorization, Import, Export, List/Icons, Select all, Delete
Multi Selection mode
You can set the Multi Selection Mode active to select multiple items simultaneously. To select the command click on the black gear icon.You can activate the Multi Selection mode alternatively with pressing down CTRL and click on any item in the DC window. This action automatically activates the Multi Selection mode.
The number of major categories are fixed but any number of sub-categories can be created. 'My' is a special category. Under the 'My' category you can arrange your own terms to create sub-categories, for example objects, textures, profiles are only used in a single project can be grouped here. The Other category is the only one displaying the items in ARCHLine.XP 2015 compatible structure. The sole purpose of this category is the compatibility with earlier versions. You can not create new items under the Other category.
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