You can select elements of the project by clicking on them on the Floor plan or in the 3D view. By pressing the CTRL or the SHIFT button you can select more elements. This is the basic way to select elements in the project. To select elements with a more advanced tool, click on the Selection menu.
Location: Ribbon bar > Edit > Select
Here you have the option to select elements within or out of the selected area on one floor or on all floors. You can narrow the list of selected elements by pressing the By common part button or the Subtract button.
When an element is selected in one view, the selection applies to all other views as well.
Overlapping elements
If you have difficulty selecting an element because other elements are too close, press Tab to cycle through overlapping elements to select the element you need. When you have elements overlapping on the view, the program displays the selection panel to identifiy the currently selected element.
The Preselection function is useful for highlighting element before selecting it. When you hover the cursor over it, the contour of the element is highlighted with the color of the selection.
Pressing the F11 key you can switch the function on / off.
Location: Edit > Tools > Preselect
Selecting all elements of a type
You can select all elements of the same type as the selected item (such as all walls) in the current view.
Location: Right-click the item's button> Select All
The Properties panel displays the number of selected elements .
Once selected, all elements can be modified simultaneously.
Selecting multiple type elements
If you select multiple types of elements , the Properties panel displays the number of selected elements sorted by type.
After selecting the type, all elements of the selected type can be modified simultaneously.
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