The level corresponds to the architectural meaning of floor. Levels are horizontal planes relative to which is the height of placed elements, such as walls, columns, roofs, floors, and ceilings, is determined.
Just as in reality a building is built up from floors, the plan is also realized floor by floor, level by level. Opening a new project four floors are automatically created. Any other floors are to be added by the designer according to the needs of the design.
Navigating between floors
Navigation between buildings and their levels can be executed several ways:
- You can also use the Project Navigator to switch between buildings and their levels. Whichever building the selected floor is in, will automatically become the active floor.
- In the Dashboard, you can use the blue arrows to switch between the floors of the active building. Use these buttons to jump the floor plan view up or down one level.
- You can also use the blue arrows or the drop-down list in the status bar to switch between the levels of the active building. Here you can use the arrow keys to jump up or down one level in the floor plan view, or use the drop down list to select the active floor.
Opening the Edit levels dialog
There are two ways to access the Edit levels dialog in the program.
- In floor plan view, click on floor's name in the status bar.
- A Projekt navigátorban jobb egérgombbal kattintson a szintcsoport nevére (a képen: Alaprajz), majd válassza a Tulajdonságok lehetőséget.
How the Edit levels dialog works
- This area is for setting the parameters of the levels and managing them.
Insert below / above the current: by copying the properties of the active level, the program creates a new level below or above it.
Delete floor: you can delete the selected floor with it.
Add down: the program inserts a floor to the bottom of the building with default settings.
Add up: the program inserts a floor to the top of the building with default settings.
Activate: the program switches to the active floor after closing the dialog.
Visible floors: the visibility of additional levels displayed on the active level can be turned on / off.
Copy objects to other floor: after activating the function, the elements to be copied must be selected on the floor plan.
Move objects to other floor: after activating the function, the elements to be moved must be selected on the floor plan.
List of buildings: different buildings can be set within a project, their visibility can be set separately.
- In the Name column, unique names can be set for the levels.
- In the Bottom elevation column, the vertical distance from the Project 0 m height can be set.
- In the Height column custom floor height can be set for each level.
- State: in this column you can set the active level (the level displayed on the floor plan) as well as which levels are still displayed (in an uneditable form) in the active level.
- Level incrementation: in this column you can set a value to shift the relative height of the walls and ceilings. For this setting to take effect, the appropriate bounding point must be set in the properties of the walls and slabs.
- Parameters: in this column, you can assign BIM parameters to the levels by clicking on the edit button.
- In this area, you can adjust the layer heights of the walls and ceilings connected to the bounding points.
- You can adjust the name and height of the bounding points of walls and ceilings using the preview image. You can later assign these points to the desired layers in the Properties of Walls and Slabs.
- FF - Finish Floor
- TS - Top of Structure
- BS - Bottom of Structure
- CE - False Ceiling
- LE - Ledge
- FH - Floor height
- In this area, the terrain related parameters can be set.
- The Site level is visible on the floor plan function makes visible the terrain on all floors or only on its own floor.
- The Building elevation above sea level in meter function places the project to the set height from the real height plane.
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