Layer walk tool helps you navigating through your existing layers of a project. The key point of using Layer walk is that it makes it easy to switch on and off the visibility of layers and visualize the effect at the same time on the drawing itself. The layer walk list shows the names of layers and the numbers of objects of one layer between bracelets “( )”.
Layer Walk tool can be found in Layer toolbar and in the Ribbon bar > Edit > Layer walk.
Display empty layers
This option enables the visibility of empty layers in the layer walk list. By default all empty layers are invisible.
Using layer walk
When the Layer walk tool is open, the visible layers are selected in the list, thus the active window shows the elements of these layers.
- Select one layer: when the layer walk list is open you can select a layer, by clicking on its name. The selected layer will be highlighted and its content will be automatically visible in the active window.
- Select multiple layers: to add a layer to your selection please hold down CTRL and click on the layer name. The selected layers will be highlighted and their content will be visible in the active window.
- Select layers between first and last selection: you can select every layer in the layer walk list between two selected list elements. Click on the first one, hold down the SHIFT button on your keyboard and click on the last object. Every layer between the selected ones will be selected, including the first and the last one.
The same selection is also available by mouse only. Move over the first object, and hold down the left mouse button. While holding the left button move the mouse towards the end of the list and when you are satisfied with the selection release the mouse button. All objects will be selected between the first selections until the list object where the left mouse button was released.
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