The Print dialog box sends the drawing (or print layout) to the default printer set in the operating system or to PDF file.
You can either:
- Print the current view or part of the view.
- Print the plot layout assembled from other drawings.
Printer Name |
Selects the printer or plotter. The program works with any output device installed on the system, including networked printers, print to file. |
Number of Copies |
Specifies the number of copies to print. Enter a number or click the buttons to change the value. |
Plot to File |
When checked, redirects the print output to a file. |
Paper Size |
Specifies the size of paper. You can select standard sizes or User defined custom size. While printer may appear to support many different sizes, you should select only the size of paper that is actually in the printer. If User Defined appears in the list, the paper's dimensions are specified by the printer's Properties dialog box. |
What to print
Specifies which area of the drawing to print:
Plot Offset |
Specifies the offset distance for the print.
Colour |
Colour - Pen Assignment |
Specifies the Colour - Pen assignment to use for the printed output, which assigns to colors different pen colourr and pen width. You can save your settings by selecting “Save setting” and later you can reload these by “OPEN” button. |
Orientation |
Specifies the drawing orientation. You can select Default or Rotated drawing option. Don’t mix up the Orientation with paper orientation. The first one refers to the drawing and the other to the paper sheet. |
Plot Scale
Scales the drawing to fit it to the paper:
You need to set the scale 1:1 in case of publishing a plot layout, because the layout is a real-world size virtual paper and does not need to be further scaled.
Apply |
Applies the changes you made to this dialog box. The changes are remembered the next time you use this command. |
Click Print to print the drawing. The result can be a hard copy or a PDF file based on the selected Printer. |
Cancel |
Returns to the drawing editor without printing the drawing. |
Preview |
Displays a preview of the print in the preview window. The image indicates the size, position and orientation of the current drawing area on the selected paper size. |
Style |
Save current settings to a new Style |
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