The dimensioning of the doors and windows is a multi-step process.
The dimensioning settings are presented through the dimensioning of a door.
- Click on the Ribbon Bar / Dimension / Properties / Door option and set the text and scale properties. There are preset styles in the program, but you can also save your own styles.
- On the floor plan in the door's properties select the Main parameters tab / Dimenison, consignment option.
- In the pop-up window you can set the displayed information, and the type of the dimension. You can set the type by clicking on the picture.
- Click on the Dimension, consignment button to set the parameters displayed on the floor plan. In the settings of the consignment you can set several sings, you can specify its location, and you can fill it with automatically calculated values or unique values as well.
- Accept the settings by clicking OK. The dimensioning automatically appears on the floor plan.
- To reverse the consignment, select Ribbon Bar / Dimensioning / Building / Door, and then click on the side of the door where you want to place the sign.
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