A wall in ARCHLine.XP represents a 3D shape having a width and a height structure.
The walls can take any 3D shape (sloping wall, curved wall, layered, freely profiled) and then a door, window, curtain wall or wall niche can be inserted.
ARCHLine.XP automatically join walls together when drawing them, but you can join them later using one of the joining options of L, T, X.
Creating a straight wall:
Select Building / Wall / Wall command
1. Click to set the starting point of the wall.
2. Move the cursor to the endpoint. The current length value is displayed in the cursor input box.
a. Click to set an endpoint or
b. press TAB and type length value in the cursor input box and press Enter or
c. type a value in the dynamic input field and press Enter.
3. Select a new endpoint or enter new values to create adjoining wall.
A red or green dotted line appears when you are in a position to create a horizontal or vertical wall.
Input exact length by typing it on the keyboard in the dynamic input field, then press Enter.
Press Spacebar or F5 to flip the wall orientation.
ARCHLine.XP applies the current model unit if you type in a numerical value.
Creating a curved wall
Select Building / Wall / Curved wall command
1. Click to set the starting point of the wall.
2. Move the cursor to the endpoint. The current length value is displayed in the cursor input box.
a. Click to set an endpoint or
b. press TAB and type length value in the cursor input box and press Enter or
c. type a value in the dynamic input field and press Enter.
3. Click to set an internal point of the wall or select an option from the Arc tab that appears, offering the following options:
Create a series of rectangular walls
Draw 4 walls with rectangle tool
1. Speciy the first corner point of the rectangle.
2. Move your cursor to set the direction of the first edge.
3. Click to set second corner.
4. Move your cursor to set the rectangle height or type the height directly.
Creating a spline wall
It creates wall with curves called B-splines (NURBS), defined with fit points coincide with the spline.
Select Building / Wall / Spline command
1. Click to set the starting point of the wall.
2. Click to set next point point or select an option from the Arc tab that appears, offering the following options:
Arc means to insert a regular arc wall into the spline.
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