Grid lines are often used to help organise the design. Grid line commands you find on Ribbon bar – Drafting – Grid.
The screenshots you see in this article are from ARCHLine.XP 2021. If you are using an earlier version of ARCHLine.XP, the User Interface might be significantly different. The grid line principles has changed fundamentally compare to earlier versions.
Grid line references (prefix with numbering or lettering)
Grid line consist of two main parts. The grid line itself and the grid header. The grid lines have a grid header at both ends. Grid Lines can have a prefix and are numbered automatically in primary and secondary direction. The number (or letter) increments each time for a new grid line.
Grid properties: Ribbon bar – Drafting – Properties – Grid lines. By default grid lines appear across all floors but you can change it to be visible on current floor only.
Grid lines can be straight lines or arcs / circles.
To change the symbol text, click on the symbol and then on the blue text that appears. The newly entered value is displayed in the symbol after an ENTER.
Using grid lines to control object location
ARCHLine.XP automatically connects objects, columns and beams to gridlines or intersection point of two grid lines. It means moving gridline(s) the connected elements will stay stuck to them.
ARCHLine.XP displays with a red dot marker at bottom right corner when the object is connected to gridline(s). The reference is displayed in Properties panel – Grid Location and here you see: A + 1.
When you place beam select the desired reference point and the right elevation (here 5000 mm): Then specify the start and endpoint at the gridline intersection points.
ARCHLine.XP displays with one or two red dot markers at bottom right corner when the beam is linked to grid lines. The link reference is displayed in Properties panel – Grid Location and here you see: (A + 1) and (1 + B).
Duplicate connected elements
When you duplicate a connected element with a reference to another grid line the new element will be connected too.
Offset grid line
The connected elements automatically follow the grid line offset. It means moving a gridline, ARCHLine.XP also moves the columns and recalculate the beam start and endpoints.
Controlling the visibility of connected elements
You can turn the visibility of connected elements on with the command: Highlight all aligned items.
For a netter presentation I have placed plus two standalone columns to demonstrate the difference.
Command: Ribbon bar – Drafting – Grid lines – Highlight all aligned items.
ARCHLine.XP displays the connected elements with green.
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