External wall insulation is a great alternative when looking to improve the insulation of a building.
Adding insulation to exterior walls reduces heat loss and improving the building look.
ARCHLine.XP supports the design of post construction insulation of walls using phases. The wall structure of an existing and a new building can be managed simultaneously using the phases.
At least one layer must remain in the existing phase. (It is recommended to use a different wall style to change the phase of each layer.)
The phases of the layers can be changed. You can always switch from the outer layer inwards to change the phase of the layers to a demolished or new phase.
Switching back to an existing phase can always be in the opposite direction, from the inside out.
According to the operation of the phase filter, the wall layer to be demolished cannot be demolished in the new construction phase plan, and there can be no new wall layer in the phase representing the existing state.
Attention! The program restricts the display of all phases at once. In this case, it shows only the existing phases.
If you only need to change the thickness of one layer: copy the existing phase layer and then move the original layer to the phase to be broken down in the existing state. Switch to the new construction state and move the newly created layer to a new construction phase.
Then change the thickness of the new layer.
In this way, it is possible to achieve that in the two states the old and the new layer appear with the same parameters, only with different thicknesses.
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