Update 2024:
Enhancing its compatibility, ARCHLine.XP 2024 supports the import of ReCap file formats such as RCS and RCP. The big advantage of RCS and RCP is that files open almost instantly.
This format enables users to incorporate highly detailed and accurate representations of real-world environments into their designs.
In ARCHLine.XP 2024, only one point cloud file is allowed at a time.
Harold Merzbach
Import point cloud | |
Point cloud filtering setting | |
Point cloud filtering view | |
Wall tracing on floorplan | |
Ground floor workflow: The red polylines will represent the exact dimensions of the walls. | |
Next floor workflow: The red polylines will represent the exact dimensions of the walls. |
You can improve the point cloud overview by adding filters.
You can use filter regions to display a point cloud in different configurations by keeping only the filter you want to see on.
Filtered regions may overlap each other. The appearance of each point depends on the last filter setting. Different colors can be assigned to the Filtered regions, which override the original color of the points.
Filtered regions are identified by different colours that you can change.
Enlarge point size when zooming in
Location of the command: Building - Point Cloud - Enlarge point size when zooming in
The points are displayed in a larger size instead of the original size shown by the program.
Floor plan update
Location of the command: Building - Point Cloud - Refresh Floorplan
The command updates the top view of the point cloud on the floor plan with the current state of the point cloud.
In the following example, the program updates the floor plan with the "Ceiling" filter turned off.
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