To add handrails to the Railing, click the checkbox before to the Handrail button and then click the button. Here you can define handrails.
The handrails are listed in a table. Each row in the table represents a handrail. In the table rows you can set the following properties:
Index | Row (handrail) number |
Profile | Section profile of the handrail |
Shift vertical | This is the vertical distance between the bottom of the handrail and the path of Railing |
Overhang at start | The overhang of handrail at the beginning of the path of railing. |
Overhang at end | The overhang of handrail at the end of the path of railing. |
Type of path | Describes the path of the handrail. For example a handrail can go along the path of the Railing or it can follow an individual path from layout. |
- To change the order of handrails in the table, use the Move up or Move down buttons.
- Click Delete to delete a row (handrail).
- Click Insert new to add a row (handrail).
- To change the cross section of the handrail, click the button in the Profile column. In the Insert profile dialog you can choose the new profile.
Handrail properties :
Plane of profile perpendicular to path |
You can select whether the section profile of the handrail should be vertical or perpendicular to the path of railing. |
Offset from path (>0: right) | Horizontal offset relative to the path of railing. |
Material | Material of the handrail. |
Invisible | This option makes the handrail invisible. |
Elevate by general increasing/decreasing of height | Defines the application of the Increase or decrease the height of all balusters to the handrail. |
Exchange ending | Exchange the settings of bottom (start) ending and top (other) ending |
Bottom (start) ending | You can set the ending of the start of the handrail by clicking the ellipsis button. The Beam ending dialog appears where you can set the appropriate ending |
Top (other) ending: | You can set the ending of the start of the other end of the handrail by clicking the ellipsis button. The Beam ending dialog appears where you can set the appropriate ending. |
Extension at beginning of path, Extension at ending of path |
See the figure below |
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