Rooms are identified based on bounding elements such as walls, floors, roofs, and ceilings.
Room refers to these room-bounding elements when calculating the room geometry as perimeter, area and volume.
There are two ways to create rooms:
1. Automatically - Room inside area bounded by walls or separtion lines
The room is created automatically based on the wall surfaces detected. Clicking inside the area bounded by walls and the room is created. The Room is associated to the walls. This means the Room follows the modification of the walls automatically or after the refreshing.
2. Manually - Room inside a polygon
You define the room boundary by entering a polygon.
Manual definition is useful when the room hasn’t got side walls, e.g.: balconies or rooms that have different functionalities but are not separated by walls or other border surfaces.
You can modify its boundary and the Room calculation follows the modifications. This type of the Room is not associated to the walls, therefore does not follow the wall modifications.
The room tool is suitable for calculating dimensions that include area, volume, and other geometric parameters, but allow the determination of true cladding materials on side walls, ceilings (floors and ceilings), and roofs inside the room.
The coverings of border surfaces of a room will determine 3D representation of a room inside.
DIN standard 277
a. Cheaper for the landlord because more floor space is fully taken into account here, e.g. balcony or sloping ceilings
b. The usable area is defined in Din277, this includes living space as well as traffic and usable area
Traffic area: e.g. Stairwell or elevator
Usable area:
• Housing and residence
• Office work
• Production, manual and machine work, experiments
• Store, sell and distribute
• Nurturing and healing
• Other uses
• Function rooms such as Boiler rooms
c. No living space is determined, but usable and traffic areas
• First, the gross floor area of the property is determined: this is based on the external dimensions of the building or apartment
• The construction area is then deducted from this number of square meters: walls, niches, pillars or the like.
Then you have the net floor area of the property.
• This net floor area is divided into: usable area, traffic area, functional area, etc. and is calculated according to the clear dimensions of the rooms
d. Specialty:
• The room height has no effect on the living space calculation
• Terraces, loggias and balconies are all part of the living space
• Conservatories and swimming pools count as living space
• Rooms outside the apartment also count as living space, e.g. Basement, laundry room, boiler room
- Brutto-Grundfläche (BGF) als Gesamtfläche aller Grundrissebenen eines Bauwerks,
- Konstruktions-Grundfläche (KGF), die sämtliche Grundflächen der aufgehenden Baukonstruktionen des Bauwerks umfasst,
- Netto-Raumfläche (NRF) als Teilfläche der Brutto- Grundfläche, die sämtliche Grundflächen der nutzbaren Räume aller Grundrissebenen des Bauwerks umfasst,
- Nutzungsfläche (NUF) als Teilfläche der Netto-Raumfläche, die der wesentlichen Zweckbestimmung des Bauwerks dient,
- Technikfläche (TF) als Teilfläche der Netto-Raumfläche für die technischen Anlagen zur Versorgung und Entsorgung des Bauwerks,
- Verkehrsfläche (VF) als Teilfläche der Netto-Raumfläche für die horizontale und vertikale Verkehrserschließung des Bauwerks.
WoFlV regulation (Wohnflächenverordnung):
a. Cheaper for the tenant
b. In the case of disputes about the areas, the court usually consults the WoFlV
c. Areas that are habitable are part of the living space, it includes all rooms that belong to an apartment
• Bedroom
• dining room
• Children's room
• Living room
• Kitchen
• Bath
• Hallway
• Adjoining rooms: pantry, storage rooms
d. Special regulations for:
(1) Winter garden and swimming pools:
• If they are closed on all sides: 50 percent living space
• If they are heated: 100 percent living space
(2) Balconies, loggias, roof gardens and terraces:
• As a rule: 25 percent living space
• With very high equipment (depending on the individual case) 50 percent living space
(3) Basement and garage:
• Since these rooms are outside the apartment: no living space
(4) Business premises:
• As a rule: no living space
• Exception: if the tenant uses one of the rooms in his apartment as a study, 100 percent of the area must be included
(5) Ovens, bathtubs, heating and air conditioning units, exposed installations such as water boilers, movable room dividers and built-in furniture:
• Do not have to be deducted from the total area of the room: 100 percent living space
(6) Niches:
• If they do not reach the ground or are less than 13 cm deep: no living space, may have to be deducted
(7) Chimneys, facing walls, cladding, free-standing pillars and columns (as soon as they are higher than 1.5 m and have an area of at least 0.1 square meters):
• No living space: may have to be deducted from the floor space
(8) stairs:
• Depending on the height of the stairs, for stairs with more than 3 steps: no living space, must be deducted
• Stairs with less than 3 steps: 100 percent living space
(9) Coverings and strips:
• Must be included in living space calculations: 100 percent living space
• Ie. The folding rule or laser measuring device must be placed above the baseboards and cladding.
e. Special case top floor apartment:
• From a room height of 2m: 100 percent is the living space
• Room height less than 1m: 0 percent living space
• Between 1m and 2m: 50 percent living space
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