ARCHLine.XP contains the type set of doors and windows organized into categories within the door and window directories. Each type has variable parameters that you can specify when setting properties. This way, you can place the same item on the blueprint with different sizes without increasing the size of the library.
Nevertheless, there is no complete window library that includes all windows. Therefore, the program provides an opportunity to create custom doors and windows.
After selecting the appropriate door type and setting the properties, the functions of the Door / Window tool allow the doors to be placed in walls and modified if necessary.
The door is attached to the wall and cannot be separated from it; it is placed on the wall layer (unless you placed it with the Standalone Door / Window command).
Doors and windows can be placed on both straight and curved sections of the wall.
Door and window follow the modifications of the hosting wall.
The floor plan of the door / window depends on the scale value of the door and window.
This can be set in the Door menu - Doors and windows architectural scale instruction.
Methods of placing windows and doors:
1. by specifying the distance between the nearest wall end point and the door and window.
2. by specifying two points on the wall which determine its width,
3. outside the wall, as a separate element,
4. to the specified roof plane (Roof window),
5. creating and placing a unique door and window on one wall or on two walls at the same time as a corner window.
Placement reference point
The placement point may be the right, left reference point of the door or the center axis. The reference point can be changed with the TAB key for the Door / Window from corner of the wall command.
Opening direction
The opening direction of the doors can be changed by clicking on the desired page during placement or later using the context menu - Change opening direction command.
Placing a door / window on the floor plan:
1. Hover the cursor over the wall on which you want to place a door/window. The program displays the distance of the door / window endpoints from the wall endpoints, the reference point and the direction.
Note: By dragging the cursor to the other side of the wall, the program will mirror the door and window on the wall.
2. Place the door/window with one click *.
3. Enter the opening direction with one click on the corresponding page (doors only).
Placement in 3D:
1. If the 3D window is active when the command is started, click on a vertical plane of the wall on which you want to place the door / window.
2. Place the door/window in the plane of the wall with one click *.
The program always places the door at the specified parapet height relative to the level defined by the wall.
* You can also enter an exact value by typing the distance and pressing ENTER.
During placement, you can use the space bar or the F5 key to toggle between the edges and the center of the door.
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