Summary of rooms contain information about all rooms or areas. A report can be created that describes rooms and areas with required properties.
Location: Room and Area - Summarize
The Combined space report dialog appears. Here you can compose your table for the report. Each row in the dialog represents a column in the report.
1. Use the Add button to add a new column to your report. The new title will appear in the last row.
2. Click All to add all options in a default order to the report.
3. Select an index and click Delete to delete a column from the report.
4. Click Delete all button if you want to delete all columns and start the composing again.
5. Use the arrow buttons to move the selected title up and down.
6. Click on a column title to select another title from the roll down list. In the roll down list you can see all options available.
7. Click Ok to finish the composing of the table and then
8. Select the option Current floor or All floors to create the table based on the current floor or the whole building.
9. Insert the table on the drawing.
For the composing of the table the following methods are recommended:
- First use the Add button to add all columns you need in the appropriate order, then delete the unnecessary ones.
- Use the Add button to create as many columns as you want to see in the table, and then do the column title assignment in each row.
The alphabetical ordering in the table is made first by floors, and then by flats.
The table structure is saved into the Support/RoomBookStamp.xml file so next time the program will remember to the previously defined table structure.
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