When starting a command that requires an input point, ARCHLine.XP displays the Cursor Input Box.
This transparent box helps you to visualize and change the actual length, inclination or X and Y spacing of a linear object or definition. To enter into the Cursor Input and edit a value press TAB.
The software will let you edit the first value of the box. When you press TAB again, you can jump to the following value.
When you edit a value and hit the Enter on your keyboard, the software will close the edit field, and fix the value typed. This way you can fix the inclination of a wall for example when drawing it.
Turn on or Turn off cursor input Box
Click on the Enable Cursor Input Box input button on the Options dialog to turn d Cursor Input Box on and off.
Settings to display type
Use the Cursor Input Box setting to display the information you want to see.
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