Create lighting plans by organizing and ordering your switches and lamps together.
With the schematic representation of your electrical items, a unified 2D appearance is made possible.
The method is as follows:
- Define the type of your lamps: ceiling, wall, desk, pendant, spot, etc.
- The lamps are "turned" into a symbolic 2D representation
- The switches and lamps are linked up together
- The connection between the items is checked: are there any non-connected elements? Are there any switches that have ways that are not yet taken?
- Eventually, we yield necessary data, such as the needed wattage of a room.
Type of lamps
It is recommended to assign the type of luminaire to the lamps on the floor plan to make the lighting plan.
Depending on the types, a uniform floor plan can be created by turning on the symbolic mode.
To get the right lighting design, you need to assign one of the five lamp types, depending on whether it is a ceiling, wall, table, floor or spot lamp.
Assignment can be made from the Lighting menu, the lamp shortcut menu, or the Lamp settings in the Property Manager.
You can use symbols selected in the Lighting and Switch setting layout dialog to replace the individual representation of the lights on the floor plan. For this function to work properly, the luminaire type of the lamps must be specified: one of the five lamp types (ceiling, wall, table, standing, spot) must be assigned to the lamps.
It is also possible to choose line or arc to indicate the connection between switches and lamps.
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