Multiply commands
You can save time with multiply commands, as you can place multiple copies with a single command.
A. Multiple copies within distance
Multiple copies of selected element(s) by dividing the distance between the start and end points evenly.
Location: Edit > Duplicate
1. Select the element(s) to copy.
2. Hit Enter.
3. Give the number of copies in the appearing dialog.
4. Specify the starting point for the offset.
5. Specify the end point for the offset.
B. Multiple copies with spacing between elements
Multiple copies of selected element(s) by specifying the distance between copies of the object.
Location: Edit > Duplicate
1. Select the element(s) to copy.
2. Hit Enter.
3. Give the number of copies in the dialog.
4. Specify the start and end points of the distance between consecutive elements.
C. Matrix
This command will create an array of selected element(s).
Location: Edit > Duplicate
1. Select the element(s) to copy in a matrix.
2. Hit Enter.
3. Give the center of displacement.
4. Give the number of copies horizontally and vertically in the dialog.
5. Place the copies with a click.
D. Polar Array
Location: Edit > Duplicate
Rotates the copy of a selected objects by a specific degree.
1. Select the element(s) to rotate the copy of.
2. Hit Enter.
3. Give the center of rotation.
4. Rotate the copy of object(s) to the desired angle and place them with a click.
E. Along a Path
The command places several copies of an element or elements along an existing path.
Location: Edit > Duplicate
1. Select the element(s) to copy.
2. Hit Enter.
3. Specify reference point.
4. Select the path you have already drawn.
5. Enter the number of copies or a specific distance in the dialog that appears.
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