1. Draw a desired pattern using any tool from the Drafting ribbon bar.
2. You can define new hatch pattern with:
Drafting - Create pattern – Create hatch pattern.
• Select the objects for the new hatch pattern. Press Enter.
• Define the reference points for the pattern or press Enter to select automatically the bounding box cornerpoints.
4. New item in the library dialog appears, where you can save the selection as a group.
• Give the name and category of the new group.
• Press Ok to close the dialog.
Create Earth pattern as below. In this case the bounding box size is 100 and 50 mm.
5. Dialog Hatch pattern based on symbol appears, where you can also select the hatch pattern placement properties.
• Give the name and category of the new hatch pattern.
• Select User group and click on desired group, e.g. Earth pattern.
• Select size of the group or hotspot distances.
• Press Ok to close the dialog.
Place the new group with the parameters indicated:
This may have importance when a new pattern type with text is defined.
E.g.—GAS— In this case the text must be exploded by the command Edit - Modify menu – Ungroup.
The filled hatch created in this way can be used as pattern.
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