Elsődleges balusztrádok
Az elsődleges balusztrádok elosztását és elhelyezését lehet itt beállítani, valamint azt, hogy miként kapcsolódnak a karfához és az lépcsőhöz vagy rámpához.
- Korlát balusztrádok nélkül:
Korlátokat balusztrádok nélkül is létrehozhat. Ehhez kapcsolja ki a jelölőnégyzetet az Elsődleges balusztrádok gomb előtt, és a program csak a karfát hozza létre. Ilyen eset lehet a karfa a lépcső melletti falhoz.
- Korlát balusztrádokkal :
Ha korlátokat szeretne létrehozni balusterekkel, jelölje be a jelölőnégyzetet az Elsődleges tartóoszlopok gomb előtt.
You can define balusters by objects or sectional profile instead of an object.
Baluster by object |
• Click on the Object option, then the Object selection button to display the Object placement dialog box.
• Select the desired baluster from Railings category.
• Set the parameters of the selected object. Define the material of the object, as well.
• Ok Returns to the Railing dialog box.
Baluster by profile |
• Click the Profile option, then the Select profile button to display the Insert profile dialog box:
• Select the desired profile from the profile directory.
• Set the parameters of the selected profile.
• Ok Returns to the Railing dialog box.
Material |
You can specify the material for the balusters. Click the browse button to open the Materials dialog.
Copy to baluster clipboard |
Copy the current baluster values using the internal clipboard.
Paste from baluster clipboard |
It replaces the current baluster values with the values from internal clipboard. It is particularly useful when you use different baluster type on railing segments.
The stretching of the object is available by defining a cutting plane at Cut and Stretch property.
In the three main directions cutting planes can be positioned in percentage of the main dimensions. The program cuts the object with the cutting plane at the defined position and inserts an appropriate piece with homogenous cross section at the place of cutting. Thus you can achieve changes in the dimensions with a non-linear transformation. After stretching, that’s why you find the decoration in the middle of the fence rod still with a constant height, horizontally along the Railing part.
Primary baluster placement methods
Method | Description |
Uniform step |
You can set the First baluster distance from post (X) and Last baluster distance from post (Y) parameters. Since D/S distance matches rarely to the specified X/Y distances, you can select between Maximum step value and Minimum step value options. In the first case the gap/distance between balusters will be D/S or less, in the second case the distance between balusters will be D/S or more. |
Fix step The distance between balusters (S or D) is fix value, exactly the same as defined. |
This method specifies the space between the start of the railing segment or the pattern repeat point, and the placement of the first baluster.You can set the placement distance of the first baluster from post (X) or the last baluster distance from post (Y). X and Y cannot be edited at the same time. |
Fix step centered It places the first baluster at the center of the railing segment. |
This method places the first baluster at the center of the railing segment, and the others appear evenly. |
Parameters for adjusting the distance during placement methods
Center to Center spacing (S) Clear spacing between balusters (D) |
Distance between balusters can be defined either by Clear spacing between balusters (D) or Center to Center spacing (S) parameters. These two options make the definition of distance easier because in some cases you know the gap between two balusters, in other cases you know the distance between two balusters axes. The distance between two balusters (S) will always be longer than the gap between two balusters (D) by the width of baluster (object or profile). |
Distance of the first element (X) Distance of the last element (Y) |
You can set the First baluster distance from post (X) and Last baluster distance from post (Y) parameters. The usability of the values depends on the placement method chosen. |
Horizontal and vertical alignment properties and sizing
Adjust bottom of balusters to stair | Aligns the bottom of balusters to staircase structure |
Adjust balusters to a top profile | Aligns the top of balusters to handrail |
Offset from path (>0: right). | The distance to the inside or the outside of the railing path. Note: The value specified in the Offset from path aligns only the primary balusters. The offset of handrails can be defined in another dialog. |
Base offset from path (<0: down) | Elevation of balusters relative to the path of railing. |
Baluster height | The height of balusters can be set here. If the baluster is created by object, its height cannot be modified here. |
Felső végződés |
Meghatározza a balusztrád tetejének a karfához való kapcsolatát. Ha a korlát nem vízszintes, akkor a balusztrád felső végződése követheti a lejtőt, ha a ferde opciót választja. |
Alsó végződés |
Meghatározza a balusztrád aljának a lépcsőhöz, rámpához való kapcsolatát. Ha a korlát nem vízszintes, akkor a balusztrád alsó végződése követheti a lejtőt, ha a ferde opciót választja. |
Balusztrádok tetejének profilhoz igazítása
A korlát szakaszokhoz megadhat egy nyitott profilt, amellyel vághatja a balusztrádok magasságát.
Switch on the Adjust balusters to a top profile option.
Click Top profile button and select Circular segment by height and width profile.
After defining the top profile, the top of balusters will be adjusted to the profile.
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