It’s a frequent case when balusters in a railing are placed in two rows behind each other with an offset. This way the second row hides the gaps between balusters in the first row. With the intermediate balusters function it is available, too.
• Click check box for Intermediate balusters button and then click the button itself.
• You can define secondary baluster and its distribution and placement settings.

The baluster definition and its distribution and placement settings are the same as for the Primary balusters. You can select a different profile or object for balusters, a different top profile to adjust the top of intermediate balusters. An Offset from middle point (>0: forward) defines the offset relative to the midpoints primary balusters. In addition, you can specify the Offset from path (>0: right), Elevation from path (<0:down), Baluster height parameters. Also, you can define the baluster ending conditions.
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