You can set any season and weather condition in the project, so the end result will always be lifelike, whether it's a sunny summer scene, a rainy season, a snowy winter landscape or even foggy weather. These settings can be specified individually for snapshots and animation parts , allowing you to create different variations within a project.
Weather effect
Click on the arrow above the icon to select the weather for the scene: sun, rain or snow. Use the slider next to the icon to adjust the strength of the weather conditions. Click on the icon to return to the default setting. The weather effect can be toggled on and off for a given material in the material properties.
Sunny weather:
The brightness of the sun can be adjusted using the slider. Dragging the slider to the left lets less sunlight into the scene, while dragging it to the right lets more.
Rainy weather:
By selecting the rain function, real-time rain will appear in the project. The raindrops are visible in snapshots and animations, with puddles of water appearing on the ground. Dragging the slider to the left shows drizzling rain and small puddles, while dragging it to the right shows heavy rain and continuous puddles.
Snowy weather:
When the snowy weather function is activated, snow appears in real time in the project. Snowflakes are visible in snapshots and animations, and snowy areas appear on the ground. Dragging the slider to the left shows light snow with small snow patches, while dragging it to the right shows heavy snow with a continuous snowy surface.
No fog is the default setting in the project. Drag the slider to the right to create a denser and denser fog, which will absorb objects in the distance. Clicking on the fog icon will return the slider to the default setting.
You can adjust the amount of clouds here. Dragging the slider to the left clears the sky, while dragging it to the right produces increasingly dense clouds. Clicking on the cloud icon resets the value to the default setting.
Date and time slider
Use the top slider to set the time to the minute, to which the time of day is adjusted. This allows you to accurately show the shadows and lights in the scene at that specific time. The play button to the left of the slider can be used to create a sun animation, where 10 minutes pass in the project in 1 second. The value below the play button allows you to set the playback speed. The program multiplies the default speed by the user value.
The bottom slider allows you to set the exact date, which changes the angle of the sun.
North direction
LIVE automatically adopts the North direction set for projects created in ARCHLine.XP. For models created in other programs, you can change the value here.
Update all views
Click this button to apply the changes made in the Edit Sunlight dialog to all snapshots and animation parts of the current view.
Auto light switch
By activating this feature, the lights in the project will automatically turn on or off according to the time of day.
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