Autosave to Backup Archive is a new feature available from ARCHLine.XP 2022.
When Autosave to Backup Archive is enabled, ARCHLine.XP automatically saves the project in Archive at a defined interval to preserve your work. Autosave to Backup Archive is enabled by default.
Frequency is controlled by a specified number of minutes. The default value is 60 minutes. The minimum value can be 1 minute.
Location: File / Options / Open and Save
To edit frequency open the Open and Save panel and select Interval to save work automatically in minutes.
- You can enable / disable the Autosave to Backup Archive.
- You can modify the frequency in minutes in the "Interval to save work automatically in minutes" field. Minimum value is 60 minutes.
How to find the Autosave to Backup Archive result?
Read the article about Drawing Recovery Manager.
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